
Welcome to Yet Another Cooking Blog.

As you may have guessed, this is a blog about cooking - in particular my cooking. It has been mentioned to me several times that I seem a little obsessed with food, so I have decided to blog about my menus, my successes, my failures and anything else that springs to mind

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Chorizo hash with poached egg

This is a very simple tasty dish perfect for a quick midweek supper.

Ingredient (for 2 people)

2 cooking chorizo sausage (the ones the size of a regular pork sausage) chopped
New potatoes
1/2 large onion
Olive oil
2 eggs (the fresher the better)
White wine vinegar
Salt and pepper

1.  Cut the potatoes into quarters (if they are large potatoes cut them down into bite size pieces).

2.  Put the potatoes on to cook in a pan of boiled water (they should take about 8-10 minutes). Drain well when cooked to ensure they are dry.

3.  Chop the onion into small pieces and soften in a large saute pan with a little olive oil.

4.  Add the chopped chorizo  and cook for 2 minutes.

5.  Whilst this is cooking, put a saucepan on with water and a dash of white wine vinegar.

6.  Add the drained potatoes to the saute pan and fry in the oil until they start crisping.

7.  Whilst the potatoes are cooking, when the water has just come to the boil carefully pour your eggs into the water and leave on a very gentle boil for about 3 minutes for a soft poached egg.

8.  Serve the hash with the poached egg on top, and season with salt and pepper.

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